
Accelerate data transformation and governance at scale.

Domo helps IT and data teams align to business initiatives, manage systems and cost, and get the most out of their technology investments to quickly scale data access—all while maintaining governance policies, so trust is never compromised.

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Enhance data management and governance.
Support the growing demand for data and analytics, preserve privacy and trust, and securely scale data access across your organization with personalized data permissions.
Effectively manage systems, infrastructures, and cost.
Boost processing speed, optimize spend, and accelerate data transformation—all while maintaining efficiency across your complex systems.
Make trust your competitive advantage.
Improve data quality and integrity, deliver enterprise-grade security, and ensure privacy requirements and compliance across your entire data ecosystem.

Bring Domo's power and flexibility to data governance.

Designed to promote accessibility, the Governance Toolkit removes technical barriers to data governance and is seamlessly integrated with the broader Domo platform.

Automate, configure, and schedule jobs
to free up your data team’s time.

Scale quickly
using Domo’s infrastructure.

Log all your activity
to stay compliant.

Learn how Domo keeps your data secure with Domo’s Trust Program

Centrally govern all your data.

Domo gives you total control over all of your data, and access for all of your people in a unique, real-time live view of everything connected through Domo.

Track and audit data across storage environments.

If you already have a data warehouse or data lake, you can store metadata in your data warehouse, and then use Domo to see what happens under the hood. Domo works with existing data transformation workflows and governance models so you can see what transformations are being applied to data within your existing systems.

"Once one of our data providers had an outage, and we actually found the outage before they were even aware of it — we were monitoring it in more real-time than they were! I can’t count on one hand the number of times Domo has saved us thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars by alerting us to issues like this in a quicker period of time."

Director, Risk Management

— Check into Cash

Perform data impact analysis.

See the upstream and downstream effects on your data. Data Lineage & Impact Analysis allows you to see how a Domo dataset impacts other datasets, cards, and alerts.

Help users understand the ramifications or cascading dependencies of any changes they make.

Search and explore data lineage.

Easily find broken datasets.

Quickly determine the impact of data changes on the rest of your Domo instance.

"Where we are now is that we have a single source of truth, a data foundation. And then you can build as many views on it as you like."

Joseph Puthussery

VP of Digital Marketing

Put the stamp of approval on your datasets.

As your organization’s use of Domo grows, it’s increasingly important that everyone knows which datasets have been approved for use. Certified Content identifies trusted sources of data so everyone in your company can be on the same page. Users can request certification of a dataset right from Domo, and you can customize the certification approval process to your organization’s needs, so the right people can certify the content they own.

Separate and control environments.

Domo's Sandbox allows you to build and test in separate environments, promoting content only when it's been thoroughly tested and is ready for broader use.

Control data access and privileges.

Domo helps you secure sensitive information with unlimited personalized data permissions that govern access to data.

Create custom roles for your enterprise.

While Domo provides several built-in roles, you may find that you have greater flexibility when assigning access across the enterprise. Augment Domo’s built-in roles with custom roles to maintain governance policies while expanding your use of data across the enterprise.

Restrict access to sensitive Domo features such as exporting data or changing settings.

Create an unlimited number of role types depending on your needs.

"Various features of Domo, including PDP (Personal Data Permissions), custom apps, and reports, helped us to spur an increase in engagement across our company."

— UnitedHealth Group

Grant access based on user attributes.

Domo’s Dynamic Personalized Data Policies (PDP) makes it possible to create policies based on user attributes instead of individuals. You can use Dynamic PDP to scale policies with the growth of the company without needing to edit entitlement policies.

Use trusted attributes to specify the profile information you want users to be allowed to manage themselves.

Trusted attributes can be set in Domo or supplied by your identity service.

Integrate with SSO.

Control group management by connecting to the Single Sign-on (SSO) or identity provider you already use, such as Okta, OneLogin, or Active Directory. This integration provides a streamlined login experience and allows you to use pre-configured directory attributes and directory groups in Domo.
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Manage accounts at scale with an API.

Manage large numbers of users and their accounts with Accounts API. Rather than managing user accounts individually, you can create, update, and validate accounts using the Accounts API.

Understand your company’s Domo usage with DomoStats.

You can use Domo to easily access all of your enterprise data. But what about data on how you use Domo? DomoStats gives you valuable insights into how your enterprise utilizes Domo, so you can evaluate your Domo ROI.

Gain insight into your login trends, card trends, and DataSet information.

Discover your enterprise’s favorite and most viewed cards.

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Explore Domo's security
& governance features.

Domo does security & governance like no one else.

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Security & Governance Resources


Data Governance 360: Managing Data Assets from End-to-End to Drive Successful Business Outcomes


The Data Governance Playbook: Putting End-to-End Data Management into Practice


How CIOs Can Turn Their Dark Data Light with Data Integration


Domo–Governance and adoption best practices

Putting your data to work

Explore the data experiences that trigger better, faster decisions across every team and function.


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