Domo Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement
Pursuant to Section 54 of the U.K. Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Domo provides cloud-based services to companies around the world. Our innovative executive management platform enables customers to integrate data from thousands of sources, turn data into live visualizations, and extend business intelligence into workflows and applications that empower their entire organization. Discover more about Domo here.
Domo fully supports elimination of all forms of modern slavery, including slavery, servitude, human trafficking, and forced labour. As a business-to-business SaaS company, the risk of slavery or human trafficking within our supply chain is low. Nevertheless, Domo is committed to implementing appropriate safeguards against slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain.
Domo’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics applies to all directors, officers, employees, consultants, contractors and agents of Domo and requires that they act in an honest, ethical and lawful manner in all company and personal business. It also specifically requires compliance with all laws, rules, regulations and regulatory orders that apply to Domo and Domo’s business. A hotline is available to employees to anonymously report violations of law or other Domo policies.
Domo maintains a Global Procurement Policy, which provides for all procurement activities to be conducted in an ethical and professional manner and for appropriate due diligence to be conducted on proposed suppliers. Further, Domo has updated its contractor agreement templates to include a specific obligation for contractors to comply, and to ensure that their subcontractors comply, with all applicable anti-slavery and human trafficking laws, including the U.K. Modern Slavery Act 2015. Domo’s updated contractor agreement templates also require contractors to prepare and deliver to Domo, upon request, a slavery and human trafficking report.
Beyond these efforts, Domo invests in making the global community a better place through our Domo For Good program. This program connects non-profit entities that want to change the world with Domo customers to work together to make a difference through leveraging Domo’s platform.
This statement applies to Domo, Inc., Domo Europe Ltd., and all other Domo, Inc. affiliates and sets forth the steps taken during the fiscal year ending on January 31, 2021.
Josh James, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Domo