Domo Bricks

Build new possibilities for visualizations.

Enhance apps and dashboards using pre-built code templates for new design components, interactive triggers, and visualizations.

ai and ml business intelligence workflows dashboards reporting

Get flexibility, speed, and customization in apps.

Drag and drop a Domo Brick into App Studio or Domo Story, then customize it to meet your needs.

Choose from hundreds of templates built for many different use cases.

Use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and import libraries inside the real-time code editor for complete control of your Domo App.

Connect any brick to data in Domo.


Create stunning visualizations in apps and dashboards.

Domo Bricks help you visualize data in new ways, adding to the vast number of visualizations already available in Domo.

Develop apps faster. Choose from hundreds of Domo Bricks using Domo’s charting engine or open source charting libraries, including D3, Mapbox, and chart.js.

Customize to your needs. Use your front-end development skills to configure and customize Domo Bricks into a highly tailored solution.

Maintain control. Use your own development tools to build your Domo Brick.


Start building today.


Find a Domo Brick in the Appstore


Drop the Domo Brick into your app or story


Connect data to the Domo Brick


Configure and customize

Leverage the Domo Bricks ecosystem.

You’re not alone when it comes to building incredible apps in record time.

Choose from a broad selection of Domo Bricks built by Domo and the Domo Community.

Create your own Bricks and submit them to the Appstore for others to use and enjoy.

Share ideas with the Domo user community or get help from the Domo Help Center.

ai and ml business intelligence workflows dashboards reporting

Take advantage of the Domo platform.

Using Domo Bricks with other platform features and functionality provides ease and flexibility:

Connect Domo Bricks to any dataset that already lives in Domo.

Distribute Domo Bricks instantly and securely on any device via Business Apps.

Embed Domo Bricks anywhere using Domo Everywhere.

Scale to your data usage and compute requirements automatically at no additional cost.

People smiling at the office

Ready to get started?
Try Domo now or watch a demo.