Domo Case Study with Loveland Living Planet Aquarium | Domo

The Loveland Living Planet Aquarium needed a way to centralize their business data for better decisions company-wide. Domo delivered.

The challenge. Manual Process | Limited Visibility

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"Our data points were all over the place. At the executive level, we wanted a centralized place to be able to log on and look at our attendance numbers from the week or see how our per-capita revenue is performing and be able to do that knowing we’re viewing accurate information."

— Chris O’Meara | Controller

The results.

Increased efficiency.

"I am able to go in front of our board and do a five minute report that in the past would have taken fifteen minutes—that’s valuable time in a board meeting. I have the ability to present a lot of information that’s rich, visual, and easy to understand."

Gary Christensen | Chief Financial Officer
increased efficiency

Accurate projections.

"I’m able to make intelligent marketing and advertising projections because of the ability to look across different channels and compare with our KPIs. We were even able to triple the amount of funding we received this year because we were able to present real-time data and information on the spot."

Suzy Broadbent | Director of Marketing and Public Relations
accurate projections

Critical alerts.

"It’s crucial that our animals have a habitat that they can thrive in and we’ve been working to set up interfaces that monitor things like water temperature and air quality. If something changes, we can alert our animal care team immediately."

Gary Christensen | Chief Financial Officer
critical alterts

Business progression.

"Without Domo, we would just be plugging along, gaining little bits of experience year after year, but at a certain point we needed a tool to take the company to a new level and I would say Domo has done that for us."

Chris O’Meara | Controller
business progression

Strategic measurement.

"We participate in a number of local news segments and it’s always helpful to see when we get a bump in attendance or a spike in our social media interactions. With Domo, we’re able to track that."

Suzy Broadbent | Director of Marketing and Public Relations
strategic measurement

The bottom line.

"Since we started using Domo, everyone has been encouraged to start thinking about our business differently. Things we never would have thought of before because we would have had to combine multiple spreadsheets and estimated data are now accessible—and it’s right there on our phones."
Chris O’Meara | Controller

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