Are You the Partner You Think You Are?
Part 5 of 5: Partnership Principles for Ecosystem Strategies
Digital transformation is happening at a rapidly increasing pace, and companies are working hard to evolve in order to remain competitive.
Recently, Mumford Sole Partners, a New York-based firm that specializes in digital transformation, investigated the interrelated barriers to enterprise transformation and detailed how a partnership-driven innovation strategy can start to “shake loose” seemingly intractable obstacles.
In this whitepaper—the last of five whitepapers to come from the study—Mumford Sole:
- Addresses what companies need to know before experimenting with a partner-driven innovation strategy.
- Provides wisdom, insights, and learnings of executives, founders, and investors that have already made all the mistakes.
- Lays out a guide for both enterprises and startups eager to capitalize on the benefits of competent partnerships.
Download the whitepaper to learn how to lead digital transformation by understanding digital ecosystems.