/ Report: 2014 Social CEO Report
Report: 2014 Social CEO Report
The 2014 Social CEO report has landed! Domo, a platform that brings data from all your social channels together in one dashboard, partnered with CEO.com to scour the social profiles of every FORTUNE 500® CEO and see which are lighting up social media—and which are still in the dark.
Here’s a peek at what we found:
- A whopping 68% of CEOs have no social presence whatsoever on the five social networks.
- More CEOs are on Instagram than on Google Plus.
- On average, younger CEOs are much more social than older CEOs.
- LinkedIn dominates as the “entry” network of choice for CEOs. Of those CEOs who are only on one social network, 74% are on LinkedIn.
- Only 69% of CEOs who have Twitter accounts are actually tweeting.

Check out some related resources:

2016 Social CEO Report

Data Never Sleeps