/ Use dark data to boost marketing efforts

Use dark data to boost marketing efforts

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, the volume of data is growing exponentially.

In fact, it is estimated that by 2025, the world will generate 463 exabytes of data per day—the equivalent of 212 million DVDs worth of data.

A small portion of this data is what we call light data—data that is collected and used for a specific purpose. The rest is dark data—data that is stored but not used for any specific purpose.

So what exactly is dark data? Dark data is any data that is not being used to its full potential. It can come from various sources, including social media, website analytics, customer surveys, and a number of other sources.

While dark data may not seem like it would be helpful to marketers, the reality is that it can be a goldmine of information that can be used to improve marketing efforts in several ways.

For example, companies that collect customer surveys may only use the data to improve their products and services. However, this data can also be used to understand customer behavior and preferences, which can then be used to improve marketing campaigns.

In this article, we will discuss dark data and how it can be used to improve marketing efforts and its benefits. We will also provide tips on how marketers can get started using dark data.


Is dark data dangerous?

When it comes to dark data, one of the biggest concerns is security. After all, if data is not being actively used and monitored, it may be more likely to fall into the wrong hands and be used for malicious purposes.

However, dark data is not necessarily more dangerous than other kinds of data. In many cases, dark data is less risky because it is not as well-known or targeted by hackers.

The key is to make sure that dark data is properly secured and only accessed by authorized personnel. This can be done by implementing security measures such as data encryption and access control.


How can dark data be used to improve marketing efforts?

There are a number of ways that dark data can be used to improve marketing efforts. Some of the most common ways include:

1. Understanding customer behavior and preferences

Within the millions of bytes of dark data generated daily, a wealth of information can be used to understand customer behavior and preferences. This information can then be used to improve marketing campaigns.

For example, let’s say you are a company that sells shoes. You may use customer surveys to gather feedback on your products. However, you may not be using the data to its full potential if you only use it to improve your products.

The data can also be used to understand why customers are not buying your shoes, what types of shoes they prefer, and what type of marketing campaigns are more likely to convert them into customers.

2. Improving campaign effectiveness

In addition to understanding customer behavior and preferences, dark data can also be used to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

For example, suppose you are planning a social media campaign. You may use dark data to identify the best time to launch the campaign, the type of content that is most likely to generate engagement, and which channels are most likely to reach your target audience.

3. Improving customer retention

In addition to understanding customer behavior and preferences, dark data can also be used to improve customer retention.

For example, suppose you are a company that sells products online. You may use dark data to identify customers who are at risk of leaving and then take steps to keep them from leaving. When you can keep customers from leaving, you can improve your customer retention rate and save money on marketing and advertising.

4. Improving product development

In addition to understanding customer behavior and preferences, dark data can also be used to improve product development.

For example, suppose you are a company that sells products online. You may use dark data to understand why customers are not buying your product. This information can then be used to improve the product or develop a new product that meets your customers’ needs.


Avoid these common mistakes when using dark data

When using dark data, it is essential to avoid making common mistakes. Some of the most common mistakes include:

Not analyzing all of the data: One of the biggest mistakes companies make is not analyzing all the data. You are not getting the full picture when you only look at a small subset of the data. As a result, you may make decisions that are based on incomplete information.

Not using the right tools: Another common mistake is not using the right tools. There are a number of different tools that can be used to analyze dark data. If you are not using the right tool, you may not be able to properly analyze the data. Business intelligence (BI) tools make it easy to connect to data sources, perform analysis, and create visualizations.

Not knowing what you are looking for: Another mistake that companies make is not knowing what they are looking for. If you don’t know what you are looking for, you may not be able to correctly interpret the data. As a dark data analyst, it is important to work with marketing and product teams to understand what they are looking for. This will help you properly analyze the data and provide insights that are actionable.


The bottom line

Dark data can be a marketer’s best friend. By understanding customer behavior and preferences, marketers can use dark data to improve marketing efforts and boost their competitive advantage. In addition, dark data can also be used to improve product development.

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