10 Get-back-to-work dimensions every business needs to digitize
There’s no question that COVID-19 is pushing companies to adapt and change how they run their businesses. When it comes to the transition back the traditional workplace, the recommended approach is likely to be a hybrid model, which blends the positives of remote working with the benefits of being in a physical environment.
For business leaders looking to institute such a model, they first need to understand the risks involved. Then they need to digitize measures capable of reducing those risks. That will enable them to simplify and improve their handling of this challenging period.
So what are some of the aspects of the pandemic that organizations can and should monitor—and can and should leverage data-driven insights in order to do it? Here are 10 …
1. New cases
Digitizing the results of daily temperature checks allows leaders to track trends and make quick decisions regarding employees who may be of risk to others.
2. In-office foot traffic
Understanding the flow of employees within the physical workplace by tracking data—via Bluetooth, for example—will allow senior management to know where the most crowded areas of the workplace are so spaces can be restructured, if needed.
3. Employee travel
Insight into where employees have traveled from and their mode of transportation is invaluable. Employee data can be linked to areas of risk. Ensuring that communication is made to an employee ahead of time to work from home will be essential should cases be rising or still high in the area in which they live.
4. Higher risk individuals
Underlying medical issues have been proven to put people at higher risk. Using data to forecast suspected volumes of high-risk employees per day will allow management to redistribute and protect employees during days of higher people density.
5. Third-party contact
Before COVID-19, physical workplaces saw third-party contact from deliveries or planned visitors. Now, in the first phase of returning to work, tracking planned deliveries and other visitors will allow management to stagger their timings, minimizing cross-over and exposure to employees.
6. Building cleanliness
Having insight into exactly when each facility or pieces of equipment were last cleaned will be more vital than ever. Digitizing cleaning checklists via a tablet, for example, will allow building management to ensure cleanliness is consistent across workspaces.
7. Shared devices
Being able to track the use of shared devices and their uses outside the workplace is also important. Hybrid working means devices used in the office will also be used elsewhere. Devices should be tracked to ensure they are deep-cleaned once returned.
8. Breakdowns in procedure
Whether created on the federal, state or company level, rules should be digitized and shared constantly across the business via an app or some other system. In order to further ensure employee safety in the workplace, the guidelines should include a clear list of steps to take in case any rules have been broken.
9. Mental health
Providing clear protocol and digital access to those who can help is another necessity, as is ensuring all employees have a line of communication and feel supported. Additionally, organizations should provide clear windows into what the business is doing to combat COVID-19 and reduce workplace anxiety.
10. Employee absence
Absence from the workplace can happen for a variety of different reasons. The ever-impending threat of a second round of coronavirus cases is sure to make for another reason. For businesses to acclimate, they must use live data to forecast and adapt as employee absentees get to a critical state. This will allow them to minimize the impact on business performance, and, more importantly, ensure employee wellbeing measures are being revisited.