Domo for Higher Education: Educators | Domo

Teach with Domo. Empower students with data.

Create Domo-savvy graduates ready to make a data-driven impact in the real world.

Add Domo to your Business Intelligence and Analytics courses and empower your students with next-generation data skills.

Program Overview

The Domo for Higher Education program enables you to teach Domo technologies to BI and Analytics students—at no cost to instructors or educational institutions. And it prepares students for a job market that demands data literacy and skills.

Program Offerings

Use these resources to create career-ready students with high-demand Domo skills.

Classroom Instance

Since experiential is the best way to learn technology, you get a fully equipped classroom instance of Domo, where students can work on learning modules and create projects.

Domo Curriculum

Our modular Domo curriculum lets you use ready-made class exercises, slides, videos, quizzes, exams, and lab examples however you like. All delivered in an .imcss file for use in your LMS.

Capstone Projects

Use the digital playbook to help students create capstone projects that showcase their skills to employers.

dashboards reporting


We support annual university and regional hackathons where teams test their data skills in a lively competition. The digital play book offers guidance on these competitions.


We provide a path to professional-level certifications for students who want to expand their Domo expertise and demonstrate their qualification for advanced data roles.

Peer Support

Share advice and experiences with other educators in the program by joining the Domo for Higher Education Teachers Social Group.

How to Join

Join Domo for Higher Education by requesting a Domo instance for your classroom and the course materials for teaching Domo, at no cost. Then join the community of educators in this program to share and discuss your experiences.

Request Domo instance

Instructors should have a Classroom Domo instance set up before they begin teaching Domo to students. If you haven't requested that classroom instance, click Join Now, fill out the form, and check that box.

Request instructional materials

Take advantage of our downloadable course content which you get in an .imcss file for use in your preferred learning management system (i.e. Canvas, Blackboard, and D2L).

Chat with other instructors using Domo for Higher Education.