Consumption Supplemental Terms

The below terms apply to Subscriber’s use of consumption-based Subscription Services.

Credit Utilization

Credits apply to the data rows, executions, and activities specified below, whether within an instance of the Domo Platform, within the Domo Everywhere suite of services, or within an app. Subscriber must ensure that credit utilization, aggregated across all instances of the Domo Platform, the Domo Everywhere suite of services, and all apps, does not exceed the number of applicable credits specified in the Service Order. At the end of each billing statement period, all credits consumed for that statement period will be totaled and each credit type will be rounded to the nearest whole credit.


Data rows consume credits based on the table below.

Storage Type Definition Number of Credits
Materialized Storage Rows Rows stored in the Domo Platform 1 per million storage rows per month1
Virtual Storage Rows Virtual rows in the Domo Platform via Views or Fusion 1 per two million storage rows per month1

1 For credit calculation for materialized and virtual storage rows, the number of storage rows per month is determined based on the 3rd lowest usage day of the applicable month.


Executions performed within the Domo Platform, Domo Everywhere suite of services, or an app consume credits on a monthly basis based on the table below.

Execution Types Execution Definitions Number of Credits
Data Ingest Completed activity that appends, replaces, deletes, or upserts data in the Domo Platform via a connector, file upload, API, CLI, SDK, workbench, webhooks, or other imports, or through a custom ingestion pipeline. 1 per table created/updated
Data Written Completed activity that writes data to an external system (writeback). 1 per table written
Dataflows - Magic ETL v1 Completed execution for Magic ETL v1 1 per output table created/updated
Dataflows - Magic ETL v2 Completed execution for Magic ETL v2 1 per output table created/updated
Dataflows - Redshift Completed execution for Redshift 1 per output table created/updated
Dataflows - MySQL Completed execution for MySQL 1 per output table created/updated
Dataflows - Adrenaline Completed execution for adrenaline dataflows. 3 per output table created/updated
Dataflows - Data Science Completed Magic ETL v1 and v2 dataflows execution that contains Data Science tiles, or R or Python tiles in use. 2 per output table created/updated

Execution Caps

For table/output table updates and tables written: (1) billable executions per table per day will be capped as set out in the table below, and (2) data rows updated or written will not consume credits unless the total number of data rows updated or written in any day exceed the data row limits set out in the table below.

Number of Updates/Tables Written Execution Cap Data Row Limit
10 to 24 10 25,000,000
25 to 39 15 25,000,000
40 to 96 20 25,000,000
97 or more 25 25,000,000

Data rows updated or written in excess of the above data rows limits consume credits based on the table below.

Number of Credits
1 credit per 25 million rows above limit2

2 For example, if total number of rows updated in a particular day is 45M, this exceeds the data row limit by 20M rows and, thus, data rows updated will consume one credit.


Activities that use Jupyter resources consume credits in 5-minute increments starting when a workspace is opened and ending when it is stopped. The credit consumption rate is based on the selected tier processing speed as set forth in the table below. Usage is rounded up to the next 5 minutes.3

Jupyter Tier Types Number of Credits Per 5-Minutes
Tier 1 0.033333333
Tier 2 0.066666667
Tier 3 0.125
Tier 4 0.25
Tier 5 0.425
Tier 6 0.725
Tier 7 1.266666667
Tier 8 2.25
Tier 9 4.05

3 For example, if Tier 9 is selected and an activity takes 7 minutes, activity time is rounded to 10 minutes and credits consumed will be 8.1 (4.05 x 2).


Workflow tasks and workflow starts consume credits based on the below table.

Workflow Activity Type Number of Credits
Workflow Start .04 per start
Workflow Task Completion .04 per task


AutoML consumes credits based on the table below.

Activity Type Definition Number of Credits
AutoML - Training Completed AutoML model training run
or a re-training run
1 per training/re-training run

AI Agent: Chat

Effective January 1, 2025, chat requests will consume credits based on the table below.

Activity Type Definition Number of Credits
Requests Each request submitted in the Domo AI chat service. 0.2 per request

Domo Everywhere End Customer Accounts

End Customer Accounts consume credits based on the table below. In addition, storage rows, activities, and executions within an End Customer Account consume credits in accordance with the corresponding tables set forth in these Supplemental Terms.

Activity Type Number of Credits
Active End Customer Account 3.2877 per day per End Customer Account

Terms Specific to Domo Everywhere

Domo Everywhere provides for view-only access to embedded cards and dashboards by Subscriber and its Affiliates for its/their own internal business purposes, and by End Customers (defined below) in connection with the standard business conducted between Subscriber and the End Customer.

Domo Everywhere also includes End Customer Accounts. End Customer Accounts are separate instances of the Domo Platform for use in connection with the standard business conducted between Subscriber and Subscriber’s customers, vendors, partners, or other third parties that have an existing contractual relationship with Subscriber and are not Domo competitors (“End Customers”). Subscriber may permit End Customers to access and use End Customer Accounts, provided that only one End Customer is permitted per End Customer Account. Domo Everywhere connectors allow End Customers to upload data to End Customer Accounts. Subscriber is responsible for all acts and omissions of End Customers, and Subscriber agrees to indemnify and defend Domo against any claims brought by End Customers arising out of Subscriber’s acts or omissions.

Card loads

Card loads refer to any time a card, app, or other visual is loaded, refreshed, drilled, or filtered on any page/dashboard or anywhere it is embedded. Card loads includes any such activity within the Domo Platform or as part of the Domo Everywhere suite of services. Total card loads, aggregated across the Domo Platform and Domo Everywhere suite of services, may not exceed the total number of card loads specified in the Service Order for the applicable annual period.

Modifications of these Supplemental Terms

Domo may modify these Supplemental Terms on a going-forward basis at any time. If any modifications materially alter Subscriber’s rights or obligations, Domo will provide notice of such modifications through the user interface within Subscriber’s instance of the Subscription Services. Modifications to the pricing within these Supplemental Terms will take effect upon renewal of your current term or execution of a new Service Order. All other modifications, including the addition of new features, will take effect immediately. If Subscriber objects to any modifications to these Supplemental Terms, Subscriber may provide written notice to Domo and Domo will make reasonable efforts to address such objections.