Tirez le meilleur parti de vos données :connecteur

SAP offers enterprise software designed for the simple purpose of helping you better run your business. Domo combines that data with information from any other source, leaving you with real-time data residing in a single platform—so you can streamline business processes and ramp up revenue.

  • Stay ahead of the curve: Stop waiting days or weeks for reports. With real-time data, it’s easy to move quickly and pivot when necessary.
  • Make syncing seamless: Enjoy one place for your team to collaborate and share insights. Eliminate scattered email threads and status update meetings.
  • Go beyond bar charts: Connect easily to your data and create powerful visualizations that help you make better decisions.


Applications Domo pour :connecteur

Les applications Domo ajoutent du piquant à :connecteur en combinant les points de données les plus pertinents dans des visualisations dynamiques. Jetez un œil à certaines des choses incroyables que vous pouvez faire avec les applis Domo pour :connecteur.

  • Balance Sheet

  • Financial Trend

Balance Sheet

Your balance sheet is a lot more than just a piece of paper or a fancy spreadsheet; it’s the pulse of your business. Combine it with better data so you can make faster, smarter, data-driven decisions for a healthier business.

  • Determine how well your business is utilizing its current assets
  • Analyze your shareholder’s equity percent change by quarter
  • Set alerts for increases in capital expenditure

Financial Trend

If you don’t want to get paid, upset the finance department. If you don’t want to get tangled in a web of disconnected spreadsheets and financial reporting systems get the Financial Trend App.

  • Forecast profit & loss in real-time
  • Set accountability across teams
  • Create alerts for a more proactive payroll

Découvrez ces connecteurs associés.

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