/ Why an awesome dashboard won’t save a struggling business

Why an awesome dashboard won’t save a struggling business

By Jared McKinney, Copywriter

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

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Today dashboards are more popular than ever—and with good reason. For business owners, there’s immense value in seeing your business data in near real time. And with more and more affordable providers of business dashboards, it’s never been easier for a business to make smarter, data-driven decisions.

But just like owning Illustrator doesn’t make you a graphic designer, a brand new business dashboard doesn’t make you a successful business leader. There’s a big gap between acquiring data points, and attaining success. And a dashboard, however helpful, isn’t a silver bullet. Here’s what’s often missing:

1. Human Insights

Answers to crucial business questions don’t always come in the form of pretty charts or dynamic data visualizations.

Decisions made after looking at a singe data point could be meaningless at best, and extremely damaging at worst. According to Avinash Kaushik, Digital Marketing Evangelist at Google, human insights are what really make data meaningful.

“Your dashboards don’t need more wiz-bang graphics or for them to be displays of your javascript powers to sql your hadoop to make big query cloud compute. They need more English language. They need your brain in a box.”

Human insights are critical to better, faster decision making. Regardless of how impressive your business dashboard, you need people to add qualitative insights to your quantitative data.

2. Best Practices

Imagine for a second that your business has invested in a business dashboard. Once it’s all powered up, where do you start? How do you even know what you should be tracking?

Perhaps your team doesn’t possess the expertise to know exactly what metrics to measure. Or maybe they’re unaware of role or industry best practices. Having a dashboard technology is great, but starting with a blank canvas can be a challenge.

3. Intelligent Alerts

What good is a dashboard if you have to spend all of your time looking at it? The whole point of a business dashboard is to keep you informed so you can spend time taking action.

While dashboards can provide great information, you shouldn’t have to be your company’s air traffic controller, constantly reviewing the flow of data. You need to know when your business needs attention, without spending all your time in the weeds.

So what can fill in these gaps?

At Domo, we recognized both the value and limitations of dashboards, and delivered a product that’s something else entirely: a cloud-based platform for managing your entire business. With Domo, here’s what you get right out of the box:

1. Human Insights

Not only does Domo make cross-platform collaboration simple, but your chats happen right alongside your data. Domo Buzz adds crucial context to your discussions, so you can speed up time to value and stop searching through emails for buried attachments. Plus, in just seconds you can loop in key stakeholders simply by typing their name. Combining qualitative and quantitative insights has never been easier.

2. Best Practices

Rather than starting with a blank canvas, Domo’s App Store offers QuickStarts right out of the box. What are QuickStarts? Exactly what they sound like—a collection of visualizations based on your connector, like Facebook, FitBit, or Salesforce.

With out of the box connector-based visualizations, you hit the ground running with insights from day one.

“It was much simpler to get disparate data sources into Domo than I’d ever imagined. Very impressive!” – Kevin Styers, Manager, Merchant Sales Ops, eBay

And once you’ve mastered QuickStarts your ready to be introduced to full fledged Domo Apps, or advanced data visualizations that solve key business questions.

3. Intelligent Alerts

Dashboards don’t sit around waiting for you to notice them, and neither should you. By setting intelligent alerts, Domo gives you the ability to control what information is brought to your immediate attention rather than having to seek it out or constantly monitor your data.

“Domo allows me, as a CEO, to focus on the things that matter and ignore all the things that are happening just like they are supposed to. It’s incredibly fast and easy and it allows me to focus on the things that matter now. Domo gives me answers before I even ask the questions.” – Jeff Kearl, Stance

Sometimes true focus finds you on the weekends, on vacation, or just out of the office. That’s why Domo was designed from the beginning with mobile in mind. Mobile means a seamless, full-featured experience on any device. So you’re always in the know, even if you’re out of the office.

If your business is struggling, you need more than just a dashboard. With a business management platform you get the information and insights to quickly correct course and save a struggling business. Even if your business isn’t struggling, consider a solution that connects your people as well as the information you need to make crucial decisions.

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Jared excels at brevity and levity—combining Dickens, Draper, and Dave Chappelle his copywriting lands on homepages and hangs on walls.

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