Here’s the good news: There is real value behind buying into a paid social media strategy. Click-through rates, conversions and other metrics are easier to measure, meaning you know exactly what you’re getting out of your investment.
According to, paid ads and sponsored content on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social platforms are an affordable alternative to more traditional marketing channels. Even better, they allow businesses to reach far beyond their current fan base and attract new customers.
Facebook Case Study: State Bicycle Co.
To increase engagement and drive sales, Arizona-based State Bicycle Co. ran targeted Facebook ads to groups who expressed specific likes and interests focusing on rival brands. They also targeted people living in cities promoting bike-centric events. To reach even more people, the company used a sponsored story promoting Black Friday deals on State Bicycle Co. items.
The payoff was undeniable. Following these paid campaigns, State Bicycle Co. saw 12 percent of website traffic came from Facebook, resulting in $500,000 in annual incremental sales. Better yet, their Facebook ads cost 1/5th per click compared to other advertising platforms.
Knowing value when you see it.
Sure, it isn’t the “free” social media so many marketers are used to. But when executed effectively, paid social can give you a huge bang for your social buck.
Your sponsored content is targeted to the right group of people. It’s efficient. It’s profitable. It gives you the ability to
- Control brand message and delivery,
- Grow your opt-in network,
- Increase your content shelf-life,
- Reach a broad, targeted audience,
- Boost organic engagement,
- Gather more valuable metrics, and
- Improve lead generation.
Get more details and strategies on how to make paid social media a hot channel for your organization when you check out the whitepaper, here.