Do you use fear to motivate your employees? Do your employees know what your priorities are? Are your executives massaging data before handing it over?
According to the 360-degree CEO Report by, there’s quite a difference between how the CEO feels she is directing the company, and how the employees perceive her methods. For example, only one in ten CEOs feels like they use the proverbial whip to drive the results they want. But the other nine are in for a surprise—the rest of the executive team reported that fear is their CEO’s #1 method for motivation.
But there’s some light in the survey report for CEOs, too: more than 60% of executives and general employees chose adjectives for their CEOs that were primarily positive. They also report that CEOs are good at replying to their emails—69% of execs report receiving email replies from their CEO within the day, and 15% said they get replies within the hour!
See how CEOs are managing—and how employees think they are managing—when you check out the free report.