Results for "data journey"

An Associate VP of Marketing Is All Lit Up About Data

We sat down with Lucas Johnson at Domopalooza 2024 to hear about Domo helped his marketing team achieve some of their best results—ever.

By Tess Arnold, Sr. Manager, Customer Advocacy

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Anecdotes Have No Place in Decision-Making for a Senior VP

We sat down with Troy Draper at Domopalooza 2024 to learn more about his journey bringing Domo into Dal-Tile’s sales organization.

By Tess Arnold, Sr. Manager, Customer Advocacy

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

What a COO Taught—and Learned—About Data Democratization

We sat down with Jeri Larsen at Domopalooza to learn more about her journey bringing Domo into the business and the product sides of YouScience.

By Tess Arnold, Sr. Manager, Customer Advocacy

Tuesday, May 7, 2024