/ Making a Case for the Middle-Brained Marketer

Making a Case for the Middle-Brained Marketer

By Tom McConnon, Product Marketing Manager

Friday, November 9, 2012

Middle-Brained Marketer
Growing up, I believed you were defined by a cortex.

My dad, they’d say, is as left-brained as they come. And who could argue? He made a living turning zeros and ones into functional software, and once rebuilt a 1960 Porsche Roadster—ground up, from engine to electrical—using a single technical manual.

My mom? She couldn’t calculate her way out of a 5th grade math book—but man was she creative. Her right brain spawned everything from successful business startups to beloved children’s books.

So with parents that fit nicely into both buckets, I figured I’d naturally map to one or the other. But it never quite happened that way. I loved the cerebral calisthenics of back-to-back Shakespeare and organic chemistry. I enjoyed writing web copy as much as measuring the impact it had on those who read it. I wasn’t left-brained. I wasn’t right-brained. I was middle-brained. And that’s what drew me to the tribe of Modern Marketing.

As many people have already documented, marketing today has evolved tremendously. Its professionals hook you when you’re looking, rather than interrupt you when you aren’t. They forego the “push” whenever there’s an opportunity to “pull.” And most importantly, they have the drive—and the means—to measure everything they touch.

All of which makes Modern Marketing fertile grounds for the middle-brained. New suggestion for an email subject line? Terrific. Blast it out and view the results in your marketing automation platform. Edgy concept for a paid search ad? Fantastic. A/B test it against your top performer and compare conversion rates. Idea for newsjacking a current event and turning it into a blog post? Fabulous. Leverage web analytics to evaluate the referring traffic.

Anywhere there’s a need to create, measure and optimize, you middle-brainers have a home. The lucky ones call it marketing.

If you’re interested in getting better insights from your marketing data, download our complimentary whitepaper, “How to Create an Effective Marketing Dashboard.”

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Tom leads Domo’s content team, supporting acquisition, marketing automation, field marketing, and creative with content that drives conversion. He frequents at the intersection of product marketing, content, and data.

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