/ How new Domo apps can help you get safely back to work

How new Domo apps can help you get safely back to work

By Josh James, Founder & CEO

Thursday, May 7, 2020

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Over the past month, whenever I’ve talked to Domo customers, one question has come up more than others: “When can we safely get back to work?”

I get asked this because I’m talking to business and civic leaders who are understandably concerned about the health of both their workforce and organization. That’s what’s top of mind for everybody. We all want to make good decisions.

But to do that, we need to have a comprehensive understanding of the situation—past, present, and predicted. And to get that, we need real-time data and insights.

We’ve been right in the middle of this response initiative. Domo built what is, according to CNBC’s Jim Cramer, the best COVID-19 tracking site in the world. And our Crisis Command Center is being used by several state governors.

We understand this is a new world with new priorities—a world in which office cleaning procedures, temperature scanning, and contact tracing have suddenly become topics of exec-level conversations. In this new reality, the ability to leverage intelligence from a variety of sources to drive new processes is foundational for managing key aspects of each phase of response.

That’s why we’ve created the Get Back To Work Command Center, a new solution for corporations that allows them to protect their most important asset: their people. With apps built on the most robust data sets available to companies, the Get Back To Work Command Center enables users to easily inspect specific regions so they can then decide how to open certain offices, and whether or not to visit customers.

The apps also leverage contact tracing data to minimize the spread of COVID-19, temperature data to keep sick people home, and facility processes data to give peace of mind about the safety of a workplace.

The Get Back To Work Command Center and the apps that power it automate processes that send out real-time alerts as well—so if, for example, a particular area of an office needs to be cleaned more thoroughly, the facilities team receives a notification.

At the same time, executives can access the Command Center to stay on top of key metrics as everyone gets safely back to work, and employees can take comfort in knowing that the business is not only monitoring what needs to be monitored, it’s taking the appropriate actions.

In a global pandemic, with variables that shift from region to region, industry to industry, and office to office, decision-makers must have access to as much information as possible. Data must be democratized, because so many decisions need to be localized and responsive to the people they impact day in, day out.

Our Get Back To Work Command Center gives decision-makers the intelligence they need to make the best calls, wherever they are. Now is the time to have that intelligence, at your fingertips, in a format that’s easy to understand. Now is the time to get moving on getting back to work, safely.

For more information on the Get Back To Work Command Center, click here.

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Josh James is at the forefront of innovation as a recognized pioneer in analytics, cloud and SaaS technology. His entrepreneurial drive defines his leadership at Domo, where he’s championing a future in which businesses capitalize on the full potential of data by making it accessible and actionable for everyone. Prior to Domo, Josh was CEO of Omniture, a SaaS-based web analytics company that he co-founded in 1996, took public in 2006 and sold to Adobe in 2009 for $1.8B. As a co-founder of ParityPledge, Josh is committed to growing stronger organizations through investments that will increase diversity. He also has a long history of leading Utah’s sizable tech and startup community as the founder of Silicon Slopes.

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