36 Product Ideas Sourced from Domo’s Own Community
By Joseph Rendeiro, Content Writer

Every company will tell you they are listening to their customers—as they should if they want to stay in business. Each tweak they make to their product or enhancement they add to their service model is always connected to user feedback. But reality doesn’t always align with what executives say. And for those organizations that aren’t taking the time to engage with their customers, eventually you start to see a disconnect between what the user needs and what the company delivers.
For Domo, listening to our customers isn’t just a task to check off as we move through the product development pipeline; it’s infused into how we innovate and improve our product so that you can make the most out of your data.
Anyone who joined us at the Chicago stop of our Connections Tour knows that we aren’t just paying lip service. During our product rollout session, one of our attendees gave a shocked shout-out when they recognized that a new feature we introduced was something that they had shared in Domo’s Ideas Exchange.
But they shouldn’t be shocked. Our product team is incredibly active in Domo’s Community Forums. Yes, you can use the forums to post questions or problems and quickly get answers from your peers or our coaches. But you can also use the forums, specifically the Ideas Exchange, to share how you think the product can be improved.
It doesn’t matter to us whether an update is super flashy or designed to impress investors. Our focus is on providing upgrades that improve the work lives of the people using Domo the most. In fact, some of our best ideas have come from the community itself, including our global customers in the Domo Japan Community, who have contributed more than 30 suggested product improvements.
Are you interested in seeing how the Domo community is helping to transform our product? Below, check out more than 30 of Domo’s upgrades that were inspired by our community members and implemented by the product team.
Domo upgrades inspired by community feedback
Below, we’ve listed each upgrade, noted the user who suggested it, categorized by function, and included the number of upvotes. Each “Upgrade” item is clickable, so you can see the original thread that started it all.
Make your voice heard in Domo’s Community Forums
Regardless of whether an idea has 100 upvotes or just a few, it doesn’t matter—our product team is always listening. But we can’t do it without you, our Domo community! We want you engaged.
Join our Community Forums and tell us what you’d like to see in Domo next. Start thinking about the types of improvements you’d like to see and share your thoughts in the Ideas Exchange or upvote ideas already offered by other community members.
You don’t need to have a solution in mind to submit a suggestion; just learning about the challenges you’re facing helps our product team deliver the enhancements to Domo that can improve every customer’s experience. From upvoting a suggestion to sharing your own, your voice drives the future of Domo.
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Joseph Rendeiro is a freelance writer with an extensive background covering topics related to business administration, entrepreneurship, team work, and psychology. He has spent the past 8 years creating content highlighting faculty fieldwork and research at accredited higher education institutions.