ETL (extracción, transformación y carga)
With Domo, it’s easy to join data and make it uniformly available for analysis. Everyone from business users to IT can use either our simple drag-and-drop interface or complex SQL transforms—all within a single platform powered by AI.
ETL para todos.
La plataforma Domo dispone de herramientas ETL accesibles para todos, tengan o no experiencia.
Explore y mejore sus datos con Magic ETL.
Las herramientas ETL de Domo le permiten definir y crear secuencias visuales de operaciones, o limpiar, combinar y transformar datasets sin ser un experto en SQL.
Drag-and-drop ETL
Magic ETL is perfect for users who aren’t comfortable coding in SQL. The intuitive drag-and-drop functionality lets you visualize your DataFlows and define operations as you go.
SQL-based ETL
Technically advanced analysts can write custom queries with the SQL tile, which lets users build complex data pipelines in seconds.
Get predictive insights
Domo’s ETL tools include features to help you prepare and create advanced data integrations with predictive data models, even if you’re not a data scientist.