What if data could help a busy health system work as one?

“Domo gives me and everyone in our organization the ability to look at data to make decisions.”

Dr. Joshua Justice

Emergency Medicine Medical Director

Regional One Health needed a way to leverage relevant data to track progress on the health system’s strategic plan, inform decision-making, and improve patient outcomes.

Leveraged Domo to create robust, interactive metrics dashboards that track organizational KPIs such as length of stay, harm events, patient satisfaction scores, turnover, expense, and labor costs. 

Regional One Health developed a Healthcare Metrics Quick Starter App, available in the Domo Appstore, to help healthcare leaders in other organizations connect clinical and nonclinical data to monitor KPIs and improve operations in the health system. Regional One Health is now a Domo implementation partner ready to share their data expertise with other health systems.


Regional One Health delivers data-driven care with Domo.

Thanks to its Centers of Excellence for trauma, burn, neonatal intensive care, and high-risk pregnancy, Regional One Health has become a national leader in providing lifesaving care, allowing it to attract patients from across the Mid-South. In 2018, Regional One Health set out to transform the way it delivers health by leveraging data in new ways throughout the organization. The organization chose Domo as its foundational system for collecting, analyzing, and leveraging data across every department.

As an organization, our goal was lofty: to transform the way we use data so that it is no longer looked at in silos but shared throughout the organization to paint a robust picture of operations and patient care,” said Dr. Reginald Coopwood, President and CEO at Regional One Health. “Domo has become the vehicle that everyone uses to look at the different levers that need to be pulled. As a physician, data is always what helps us make decisions about the best clinical care. By leveraging data, we not only improve patient outcomes but the efficiency and bottom line of the hospital.” 

Sharing KPIs with a healthcare metrics quick starter app

Today, Regional One Health leverages thousands of cards across 50 dashboards that enable clinical leaders, front-line staff, and back-office employees to make real-time decisions impacting patient care and financial health. With five years of experience leveraging Domo throughout the hospital, their analytics team saw an opportunity to share what they’ve learned with other hospitals so caregivers across the country can maximize their use of data.


“We’ve taken everything we learned and packaged the 16 key performance indicators we’ve identified as critical for us into a Healthcare Metrics Quick Starter App,” said Niranjani Radhakrishnan, Director of Regional One Health’s Center for Information & Analytics.

The teams thought outside the box to identify the most relevant data points and key performance indicators and combine them in a user-friendly app that will help other organizations jumpstart their journey to data-driven decision-making,” said Alejandra Alvarez, Director of the Center of Innovation at Regional One Health. “By making and sharing our app, we’re enabling other hospitals and healthcare systems to get a quick start in their own data journey and experience what data can do.” 

To determine which KPIs to include, Radhakrishnan worked with physicians and nurses on the floor to determine the data they rely on most when making decisions about care. “You’re going to see KPIs that can be drilled down into to inform clinical support but taken at a high level can drive operational decisions.” 

The app makes it simple for people across the hospital to quickly identify issues at a glance. “Some of the cards are just gauges that show numbers in green or red so you know if you need to take action, while others show overall trend information. Anything can be clicked down by level to show the breakdown by clinical departments or by leaders, and everything is customizable,” Radhakrishnan said.


Improving emergency department operations 

Regional One Health’s Centers of Excellence means that the hospital receives more high-risk patients than the typical hospital. The emergency department is often how patients enter into the hospital’s care, which then impacts the workload of other departments like radiology, the laboratory, the pharmacy, and specialists. This makes it critical that their ER doctors and clinical leaders leverage all the data at their disposal to improve operations across the hospital.  

Domo gives me and everyone in our organization the ability to look at data to make decisions,” said Dr. Joshua Justice, the Emergency Medicine Medical Director at Regional One Health. “We take a personalized approach to emergency medicine care. But to do that, we have to optimize the system. Patients shouldn’t have to sit and wait because of roadblocks or other inefficiencies that we wouldn’t know exist if we didn’t look at the data. The Domo platform and the Healthcare Metrics Quick Starter App are valuable tools for exploring advancement in emergency medicine to determine which concepts to implement to improve the care we provide.” 

Thanks to Domo, doctors and nurses are able to track throughput metrics and overall length of stay, which is a key emergency department metric due to the impact it has on bed and staff availability. By monitoring the real-time patient journey for each patient as they move through triage, treatment, and discharge, front-line staff can more easily identify any obstacles to care.  

Analyzing length of stay helps us drill down into the areas we need to focus on,” said Linda Hughlett, Chief Nursing Officer and Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services at Regional One Health. “Domo provides the core center of information needed to drive change.


Domo makes the barriers transparent,” said Wanda Banks, Director of Case Management at Regional One Health. “I love Domo because it helps hold us accountable.” 

By making data available to all, clinicians and senior management no longer have to meet daily to share information. Instead, everyone has access to the same dashboards right from their phones, allowing them to stay up-to-date in between seeing patients. “We don’t have to have that hour-long meeting anymore. We can just send each other a message to say everything looks great,” Dr. Justice said. 

As a result, physicians and nurses can spend more time with patients instead of in a conference room. “We’re a busy trauma center, so our physicians need to be taking care of patients, not sitting in meetings. At the same time, we understand the need to focus on efficiency and driving improvement. Domo gives us the ability to identify roadblocks in real time.” 

Using data to drive bottom line growth

One of Regional One Health’s most important initiatives has been to maximize the productivity of its pharmacy program. By encouraging providers to send prescriptions to its in-house pharmacy instead of outside pharmacists, Regional One Health can foster closer patient relationships while growing an important revenue stream.  

Using Domo, Regional One Health has been able to roll out clinical initiatives designed to grow the number of prescriptions the hospital internally fills each month. Real-time feedback motivates managers across the hospital to participate while helping identify areas where specific clinics need to make adjustments.


As we make changes to our programs, we’re able to measure in Domo how many additional prescriptions we capture,” said Allison Vance, Chief of Staff at Regional One Health. “Instead of rolling up to the organizational level, we can see pharmacy growth at the clinic level and show that to individual leaders. It’s always more impactful when people see data from their actual areas.“ 

Thanks to the initiative, Regional One Health was able to grow its pharmacy capture rate by more than 15%, adding $6 million to the organization’s bottom line.  

When the project started, we had about 33% of prescriptions filled internally. Now we are at 60% on average, with some clinics getting as high as 98% of their pharmacy prescriptions completed in-house,” said Teresa Elliott, Director of Planning and Financial Analyst at Regional One Health.  

In addition to increasing the utilization of its in-house pharmacy, Regional One Health was able to use Domo to create a referral system that tracks its use of internal and external providers. This helped the operations team determine which additional outside providers it needed to target in order to provide better care and grow its referral-related revenue.


“By using Domo to make the efficiency of our targeting better, we were able to achieve a 20% growth rate from our referral system.” 

Teresa Elliott | Director of Planning and Financial Analyst at Regional One Health

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