Domo Presents
The Business End of Digital Transformation
January 22, 2019
Marina Mandarin Singapore
Digital transformation is now a top priority for most organizations that are seeking meaningful data insights. Yet statistics reveal that most digital transformation projects will ultimately fail.
That's because the reality is, to achieve a true digital transformation, both technology and people have to be fully integrated. However, as business demands grow, the technology stack necessary to power them becomes more complex. This now sophisticated system often ends up unnerving the very people it was meant to empower, resulting instead in people creating new virtual silos across the organization.
Digital transformation doesn’t have to be complicated, join our half-day conference with special guest from IDC’s Sandra Ng, Group Vice President, Practice Group, IDC Asia/Pacific to uncover insights to start transforming your business today.
8:30 AM
Registration and Refreshments
9:00 AM
Welcome Address
Transformation or Mutation?
Over the past decade, Transformation has become the holy grail for organizations around the world. It’s a journey that many companies have aspired to, planned and even commenced. But few have reached the summit, and those that have reached peaks along the way have found themselves more mutated than transformed.
Adam Cordner, Domo
9:10 AM
Keynote Address
The Business End of Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation is not just a catchy way to say "building an app" or “moving processes online”, it is the integration of digital technology into all business areas resulting in fundamental changes to how you operate and deliver value. Transforming business requires a cultural change that supports “challenging the status quo”, “experimenting often”, and being “comfortable with failure”.
This session will address:
- What is digital transformation and why companies are undertaking it.
- Why 50% of digital transformations have stalled and what you can do to avoid that.
- How to measure the potential and realized value of your transformation initiatives.
- The pivotal role of data and analytics in ensuring your digital transformation is successful.
Kevin McIsaac, Business Value Consultant, Domo
9:40 AM
IDC Insights
Accelerating ASEAN’s Digital Transformation Using Data
- Why DX matters?
- Where the organizations are in their DX journey?
- What are the goals on DX? IDC prediction - by 2020, large enterprises are committed to be information-based companies (how to store, use & analyze data)
Information DX
- Trends in ASEAN – decision making, improvement & data capitalization
- Challenges that companies are facing
- Solutions to that problem
IDC Essential Guidance/Best Practices
Sandra Ng, Group Vice President, Practice Group, IDC Asia/Pacific
10:10 AM
Q&A with IDC and Domo
10:40 AM
Morning Refreshments and Networking
11:15 AM
Industry Business Session
Case Studies
Is this session, Adam Cordner will share the best practices he has observed as he has worked with leading brands around the region on their business transformation journeys. Adam will share the end to end strategies that successful companies adopt when planning transformation, from the customer to the board and from the CEO to the front-line worker.
Adam Cordner, Senior Solutions Consultant, Domo
11:45 AM