/ The Web Summit results are in…let the data speak so everyone can act!

The Web Summit results are in…let the data speak so everyone can act!

After its great success at Big Data LDN, we simply had to roll out our social vending machine once again. In exchange for some Domo freebies, we gathered the honest opinions of over 450 data professionals.

We found that their biggest challenge was too much manual effort being involved in data processing, followed by data being siloed across different departments. We also found that data and BI professionals personally need more time to do their most valuable work, and more visibility over the data they use.

And just like in London, we found that the overwhelming majority believe that self-service analytics can achieve agile BI. That’s great news as we continue to spread the message of Modern BI for All.

Web Summit Infographic

Check out some related resources:

Data Never Sleeps 10.0

Harnessing the Power of Data to become a better Credit Union

There’s an App for that—Tips for Crafting Apps, Dashboards, and other Engaging Data Experiences

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