/ Telling BI stories with no-code story apps

Telling BI stories with no-code story apps

The best BI stories come from data that is timely, relevant, and accurate. But getting to that point can be a challenge. It often requires hours of data mining, cleansing, and massaging before the data is ready for analysis. And even then, the results may not be what you expect.

But what if there was an easier way? What if you could get the data you need, when you need it, without all the hassle? And what if you could utilize that data to create stories that drive business decisions?

Enter no-code story apps

No-code story apps are BI apps that tell stories with data. They answer critical business questions, guide the analysis of data, and augment common business processes.

Developers and non-developers alike can leverage a BI platform, complete with all the tools you need to build apps out of the box and in a fraction of the time without ever writing a single line of code.

No-code story apps are the wave of the future, and they’re changing the way businesses operate. Here’s everything you need to know about them.



Why data matters today, more than ever

Data has always been important. But in today’s data-driven world, it’s more important than ever. Businesses need data to make informed decisions, and they need to be able to trust that data.

But gathering accurate data can be difficult. It requires hours of work, and even then, there’s no guarantee that the data is accurate. This is where no-code story apps come in.

No-code story apps make it easy to gather data and create stories with that data. You can quickly and easily get the data you need, when you need it, without all the hassle. And because no-code story apps are built on a trusted BI platform, you can be sure that the data is accurate and up-to-date.


What does “no-code” mean?

The term “no-code” can be a little confusing, so let’s break it down.

No-code means that you don’t need to write code to create BI apps. You can use the platform’s built-in tools to create apps without ever writing a line of code. This makes it easy for developers and non-developers alike to build BI apps.

No-code also means that you don’t need to hire a developer to build BI apps. You can use the platform’s built-in tools to create apps without ever hiring a developer. This makes it easy and cost-effective to build BI apps.

When you can build BI apps without writing code or hiring a developer, you have the power to create BI apps quickly and easily. And that’s why no-code story apps are so powerful.


What are no-code story apps?

No-code story apps are BI apps that tell stories with data. They are built on a BI platform, and they allow you to quickly and easily create apps without writing any code.

No-code story apps are designed to be easy to use. You can drag and drop elements to create your app, and you don’t need any coding knowledge or experience. Everything you need is included in the platform, and you can build your app in a fraction of the time it would take to write code.

No-code story apps are flexible and customizable. You can use them to create any type of app you need, and you can tailor them to fit your specific business needs.

No-code story apps are also scalable. They can grow with your business, and you can add new features and functionality as needed. As they are built on a BI platform, they can also integrate with other BI tools and systems.

How no-code story apps are changing business

No-code story apps are changing business for the better. They are making it easier than ever to gather data and create stories with that data. And because they are built on a trusted BI platform, businesses can trust the data that is generated.

No-code story apps are also scalable. They can grow with your business, and you can add new features and functionality as needed. As they are built on a BI platform, they can also integrate with other BI tools and systems.

When it comes to data, no-code story apps are changing the game. If you’re not using them, you’re at a disadvantage.



How to use no-code story apps

No-code story apps are easy to use and can start benefiting your business right away. Here’s how to get started:

1. Choose a BI platform that offers no-code story apps

The first step is to choose a BI platform that offers no-code story apps. There are many different platforms to choose from, so be sure to select one that meets your specific needs.

When looking for a BI platform, be sure to consider the following:

  • Does the platform offer no-code story apps?
  • How easy is it to use?
  • What type of apps can I create with the platform?
  • Is the platform customizable and flexible?
  • Is the platform scalable?

Answering these questions will help you to select the right platform for your business.

2. Create an account

Once you’ve chosen a platform, the next step is to create an account. This will give you access to the platform’s tools and allow you to start creating apps.

If you are working with a team, make sure to create a team account. This will allow you to collaborate with your team and work together on BI apps. Communication with your team is key when working on BI apps.

3. Start creating apps

Now it’s time to start creating apps. This can be done by using the platform’s drag-and-drop interface. You can create any type of app you need, and you don’t need any coding experience.

The platform’s tools are easy to use, and you can create apps in a fraction of the time it would take to write code. You can also customize your apps to fit your specific business needs.

4. Enjoy the benefits of no-code story apps

Once you’ve created your first app, it’s time to start enjoying the benefits of no-code story apps. These apps can help you gather data and utilize it to create stories that answer critical business questions.

They are also scalable and can grow with your business—a key advantage over traditional BI tools. As new features and functionality are added to the platform, you’ll be able to take advantage of them right away.


Tips for utilizing no-code story apps

no-code story apps can be extremely beneficial to your business, but there are a few things you should keep in mind when using them:

1. Use no-code story apps to gather data

One of the best uses of no-code story apps is to gather data. With these apps, you can collect data from a variety of sources, including social media, website analytics, and CRM systems.

As you gather data, be sure to keep it organized and accessible. This will make it easier to analyze and create stories with the data. Once you have the data, you can use it to make informed business decisions.

2. Use no-code story apps for analysis and reporting

Another great use of no-code story apps is for analysis and reporting. With these apps, you can quickly and easily create reports on a variety of topics.

Be sure to select the right type of app for the task at hand. For example, if you need to create a report on sales data, use a data visualization app. If you need to create a report on customer feedback, use a survey app.

3. Use no-code story apps to augment common business processes

No-code story apps can also be used to augment common business processes. For example, you can use a task management app to track tasks and deadlines, or you can use a time tracking app to track employee hours.

The possibilities are endless, so be sure to explore the different apps that are available and find ones that will work best for your business.

4. Use no-code story apps to create a competitive advantage

Finally, you can use no-code story apps to create a competitive advantage. With these apps, you can quickly and easily create custom apps that are not available anywhere else.

This will give you an edge over your competition and allow you to better serve your customers. When you have the power to create custom apps on-demand, the sky is the limit.



No-code story apps are a great way to gather data, answer critical business questions, and guide the analysis of data. They are also easy to use, scalable, and can be customized to fit your specific needs. If you’re not using no-code story apps, you’re missing out on a powerful tool that can help your business succeed.

Companies that take advantage of no-code story apps will have a competitive edge over those that don’t. The power of data should not be underestimated, and no-code story apps are the perfect way to harness that power.

As you begin using no-code story apps, keep these tips in mind to get the most out of them. And be sure to explore the different types of apps that are available so you can find ones that will work best for your business. Start taking advantage of no-code story apps today and see how they can help your business grow.

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