What if data could shake up the way you approach business?

“Domo has become one of the most widely used tools for several of our teams.”

Tyson Clegg

Business Intelligence Manager, Trove Brands

Challenge: Trove Brands sought a scalable business intelligence tool to serve the multi-faceted needs of multiple departments.

Solution: Domo offers a single source of truth to help executives, sales, marketing, logistics, legal, and other teams grow the business.

Impact: Trove relied on Domo during the pandemic to maintain accuracy and momentum while employees worked from home.



Trove Brands merges data with action thanks to Domo.

As a designer and manufacturer of innovative fitness, health, and lifestyle products, Trove Brands is dedicated to simplifying and improving everyday life for its customers. The business technology team at Trove had a similar goal of simplifying the daily business for departments across the company by improving the way employees access, share, and report data.

Since 2016, Trove has relied on Domo as the single source of truth for business intelligence throughout the organization.


“Our goal was widespread adoption and making sure we had a tool that was simple to use. We wanted to build what would be the future of BI at Trove. We wanted a resource that people would implement to drive genuine business change.”

Grant Peterson | Business Technology Director


Shaking up the status quo.

Trove began by rolling Domo out to the executive team to assist with high-level business decisions. Executives relied on Domo for visibility into sales trends and margins to ensure the overall health of the company. “We’ve launched three new brands in the last two years, and it’s been especially important for our executive team to see how these brands are doing and how they impact our growth,” said Tyson Clegg, Business Intelligence Manager at Trove Brands.



Since then, the solution has been rolled out across the company, including sales, finance, and logistics. “Our logistics team didn’t utilize Domo much initially, but now they’re probably our biggest users because they recognize the power that real-time reporting gives them to pivot and innovate,” said Peterson. “Every team or department throughout the company has some sort of data pipeline that they can use on a regular cadence.”


“Domo has influenced our company culture to be more data-driven. It has become one of the most widely-used tools for several of our teams.”

Tyson Clegg | Business Intelligence Manager


In addition to using Domo to help monitor margins and drive business decisions, Trove uses Domo to build a better workplace. The company regularly sends out anonymous employee surveys to track employee satisfaction and gather feedback. It then uses Domo’s personalized data permissions to automatically disseminate relevant information to each department head without sharing survey results with the entire company.

Similarly, personalized data permissions are used to create a single dashboard for each sales rep that allows them to see only their performance, without accessing the data for other reps. Data is pulled into the dashboard at half-hour intervals, providing near-real-time insight into deals. “If we were to try pulling that volume of data out of the ERP systems, it would create a huge bottleneck,” said Clegg.


Maintaining momentum.

As Trove responded to the pandemic, Domo was an important tool for sharing data and keeping the company connected. “With most of our team working from home, we’ve been looking a lot at what we call momentum metrics,” said Peterson. “This allows us to keep pushing forward, instead of fulfilling only the day-to-day minimums that would keep performance flat.” By looking at these metrics daily and as a remote-yet-cohesive team, managers can ensure employees meet their goals while making improvements where needed.



To maintain its unparalleled commitment to customer satisfaction while employees are working remotely, Trove also created scheduled alerts that can automatically email or text the relevant manager if Domo detects a missing order, an order with errors, or an order that requires expedited shipping or similar special attention. Domo’s expansive set of integrations makes it simple.


“The fact we can integrate our project management software with our ERP and with everything else has been a huge boon in getting real-time data and statistics on just about anything we’re working on. Without Domo, we wouldn’t have been able to make any of these gains.”

Grant Peterson | Business Technology Director


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