Domo Cover Story

How BBVA's Data Heroes are revolutionising the banking experience

See how key figures within BBVA have transformed their global business.

Read the cover story

From stalling transformation to a connected global bank

Using data effectively isn't so simple when you're a global organisation with over 115,000 employees working across more than 25 countries and serving the banking needs of 89 million plus customers.

Meet Elena Alfaro

As BBVA’s Global Head of Client Solutions Data and Advanced Analytics, Elena Alfaro wanted to light a fire under the global banking giant’s digital transformation. She needed a way to help her teams manage data and take meaningful actions to elevate the banking experience for customers and employees alike.
“We needed a route to success that could adapt fast to all the requirements we have, in terms of internal processes, security requirements and technology platforms. This is crucial in a company of our size.”

Sifting through oceans of disconnected data

Data is crucial to a company of BBVA’s size. Yet its size also presents a challenge. To achieve any insights, Elena and her teams were having to sift their way through oceans of data – fed by massive flows generated from disconnected sources across the globe. She needed a way to make it more accessible and manageable.

Elena’s Top Challenges

Navigating massive data flows

Disconnected global data sets

Difficulty preparing sets for analysis

Tackling complexity head on

Improving data accessibility meant overcoming the high levels of complexity across BBVA. Elena’s search for the solution led to Domo. The Domo Data Experience Platform lets the business easily collect, share and analyse data - placing previously disconnected data into a common data set, while still leveraging the business's required customisations. It was the piece of the puzzle that Elena needed.

“Implementing any tool is complex, and in a big organisation like ours it's even more so. We needed something easy to use, easy to learn, and easy to scale.”

Transformation continues apace

Elena’s journey has led to revelatory results for BBVA. From previously disparate sources, the bank now enjoys simple access to a global network of connected data that has transformed the banking experience for business users and customers alike.

We’ve been able to democratise access to large volumes of information and share them with all the bank’s business areas without the need for complicated IT deployments.

So, what does the future hold for Elena and BBVA?

Having changed the way information is shared with the business, she’s not ready to rest. Instead, she’s pushing transformation ever further.

This is evolution, Evolution is not an end point, it’s a process. It’s a journey. I hope Domo continues to be our partner in this journey, introducing innovations that continue helping us make the most of our data.

Elena’s biggest achievements

Better tracking of Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and customer engagement
Democratised access to data for global business users
Clearer visibility of customer interactions across digital services

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