
Domo Achieves Premier Status in Snowflake Partner Connect Program

Domo’s new powerful and easy-to-use federated connector with write-back capabilities now Snowflake certified

SILICON SLOPES, Utah – Domo (Nasdaq: DOMO) today announced that it has achieved Premier status in Snowflake’s Partner Connect Program. As part of this milestone, Domo’s new high-speed federated connector, originally announced in June 2020, is now certified for Snowflake’s platform. This new native connector offers customers an even easier and quicker way to query and write back to data sets in Snowflake, as well as manage their entire data ecosystem.

Inside Snowflake’s Data Cloud, organizations unite their siloed data, easily discover and securely share governed data, and execute diverse analytic workloads. Since Domo and Snowflake’s initial partnership announcement in October 2019, the two companies have worked closely together to offer joint customers the flexibility, scalability and security needed to get more leverage from massive amounts of data no matter where that data lives.

“Domo was created with the belief that data could be consumable and actionable no matter where it lives. Though Snowflake’s certification of our federated connector, customers can easily leverage Domo’s powerful modern BI platform on top of Snowflake to distribute actionable insights to business decision makers across any organization,” said Ian Tickle, chief revenue officer, Domo. “We’re delighted to have achieved Premier status in the Snowflake Partner Connect Program and excited to help customers leverage all of their data at massive scale and in record time.”

For mutual customers, Domo’s federated connector offers the flexibility and capacity needed to make any size of Snowflake data rapidly available and actionable for all business decision makers. The native connectivity between Domo and Snowflake allows data logic to remain in-tact within Snowflake, and further reduces the burden on taxed IT data professionals.

“The Snowflake Partner Connect Program is only as strong as the partners we have as a part of our ecosystem, and we’re excited to certify Domo as a Premier partner,” said Colleen Kapase, VP of Global Alliances at Snowflake. “Through the Snowflake and Domo integration, customers can extend the value of massive amounts of data both inside and outside of their organization.”

For more information about how organizations can take full advantage of their Snowflake data with Domo, visit https://www.domo.com/snowflake.

About Domo

Domo is the Business Cloud, empowering organizations of all sizes with BI leverage at cloud scale, in record time. With Domo, BI-critical processes that took weeks, months or more can now be done on-the-fly, in minutes or seconds, at unbelievable scale. For more information about how Domo (Nasdaq: DOMO) helps its customers go fast, go big and go bold, visit www.domo.com. You can also follow Domo on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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