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Updated every 10 minutes

Get live data for better decisions in an uncertain time.

Stay up-to-date with valuable coronavirus (COVID-19) data summarized by confirmed cases, geography, testing and treatment, projections, and economic impact.

What are the latest statistics on the Coronavirus pandemic?

What has changed recently?

This section is designed to help you understand how key COVID-19 metrics have changed over the last 7 days. What areas are calming down and what areas may be spiking again. Use the drop downs to select a specific metric and comparison period and the maps and bar charts will show the variation for that metric over the selected period of time.

How is the U.S. government supporting small businesses?

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Small Business Administration has distributed over $500 billion in loans through the Paycheck Protection Program. Data recently made available by the SBA includes name of borrower for loans over $150K but only provides a range of loan amount. For most analysis we are using the minimum possible value of loan disbursement.

See more PPP loan stats

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